Monday, August 29, 2016

Sympathy is feeling compassion and feeling sorry for someone else while empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes. When you show sympathy for someone you feel sorry for them and show compassion. When you show empathy you understand them and feel their feelings for your self.

Timeline of US History

In 1607 the 1st permanent English settlement in the Americas which was started by entrepreneurs of the Virginia Company of London. Then in 1619  the first slave ship ever documented arrived in the North American colonies. Shortly after that, in 1620 the first pilgrims arrived in New England and created the Mayflower compact. A little while after the Pilgrims arrival in between 1626-1732 the 13 original colonies were established they were Connecticut, Rhode island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. 22 years after that beginning in 1754 and ending in 1763 the french and Indian war broke out creating huge debt for British tax payers. Then in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. In 1781 the Articles of Confederation the 1st actual government of the United States is formed. Then the "Three-Fifths compromise" which where slaves are three-fifths of a person. In 1791 the Bill of Rights which are the first 10 amendments was written, 17 years afterwards the importation of slaves is banned which prohibits slaves from being imported. In 1854 a party that was against slavery was founded it was called the Republican party. In 1860, the Civil war began. The US grew as a nation both literally and figuratively it grew figuratively when slavery was abolished. It also grew literally in the Northwest ordinance, the Louisiana purchase, and during the Missouri compromise all three of these events involved acquiring land.