Thursday, April 27, 2017

Radio technology

During the Great Depression radio prices drooped from $139 to only $47 in a span of four years. In the 30s people would invite their friends over just to listen to the radio like people invite friends over to watch TV now. Radios in the 1930s were only able to receive morse code and no any real voices or music. Even when speech through radios became possible morse code was still used until the 1990s. In the 1930s radios were 4 feet tall and the only large differences with radios today is that they only transmitter morse code. Now radios are portable and sound much clearer.

                                               Family listening to radio in the 1930s

Modern radio that can easily be connected to a cell phone so that you can play your own music

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


1. Propaganda a picture or video or words that works to convey a certain way of thinking.

2.Propaganda- information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.


4. Describe and analyze pictures:

The first picture shows a woman wearing all red white and blue sleeping in a chair and it says wake up America civilization calls every man woman and child.

The 2nd picture shows a gorilla carrying a topless women into America from the ocean with destruction left behind while wearing a hat that says militarism.

The third pictures shows a giant man carrying a bloody knife destroying buildings with his bare hands.

5. I think that the artists was trying to convey the point that America is sleeping by showing a sleeping woman wearing red white and blue. And it shows that Americans should "wake up and go to the mayors committee.

The second picture is showing that if young men join the military and stop the evil monster that i militarism they will rescue beautiful women like the one in the painting.

The 3rd picture is saying that Americans should help defeat the giant by buying Liberty bonds.

6. The artist assumes that everyone in America will be reading the first poster because it li it includes every man woman and child.

The artist assumes that men will be looking at the 2nd picture because it includes a beautiful women to attract male viewers.

The artists assumes that wealthy American who will be willing to help the army will be looking at the third picture because the artists hopes that they will go buy liberty bonds.

7. I am kind of comfortable with the idea of tax dollars being spent on propaganda because of troops are needed for a war and the best way to convince people to help is through the media I believe it can be a good thing.

8. I think the federal government invested in propaganda so that people would volunteer for thae army and not have to  get drafted.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Hawaiian: The legend of Eddie Aikau

The perspective shown in the movie Hawaiian is the perspective of the Hawaiian people on imperialism. The Hawaiian people were not happy about imperialism. Once Hawaii was annexed many white tourists came into there beaches and acted like they were better than the Hawaiian people and began surf competitions and the Hawaiians did not feel respected as the citizens of this island. The sport of surfing that Eddie loved so much was taken away from him by the new white immigrants who came in and took over the beaches of Hawaii for surfing competitions that Eddie among other Hawaiian surfers were unfairly not allowed to compete in. The Hawaiian people were still not happy about imperialism in the mid-20th century even though it happened almost 100 years before.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

How do you analyze a political cartoon?

I think the best way to analyze a political cartoon is to not look at things from  a literal perspective and to analyze what they could mean. For example a large bag of money crushing someone could mean the taxes being too high. Also another good way to analyze a political cartoon is to look not only at the mani part but also to the things around it that could give it a hidden meaning.

One point that I didn't write to analyze a political cartoon is actually analyzing it that the artist can use something more familiar to a person so that the reader can better understand what is happening. Also the artist may exccagerate a physical characteristic of  the person in the cartoon to make a point.

 This political cartoon is about the Cuban missile crisis and it shows the USA represented by Uncle Same anxiously waiting to see what will happen and the Soviet union is watching from across the ocean.