Wednesday, April 19, 2017


1. Propaganda a picture or video or words that works to convey a certain way of thinking.

2.Propaganda- information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.


4. Describe and analyze pictures:

The first picture shows a woman wearing all red white and blue sleeping in a chair and it says wake up America civilization calls every man woman and child.

The 2nd picture shows a gorilla carrying a topless women into America from the ocean with destruction left behind while wearing a hat that says militarism.

The third pictures shows a giant man carrying a bloody knife destroying buildings with his bare hands.

5. I think that the artists was trying to convey the point that America is sleeping by showing a sleeping woman wearing red white and blue. And it shows that Americans should "wake up and go to the mayors committee.

The second picture is showing that if young men join the military and stop the evil monster that i militarism they will rescue beautiful women like the one in the painting.

The 3rd picture is saying that Americans should help defeat the giant by buying Liberty bonds.

6. The artist assumes that everyone in America will be reading the first poster because it li it includes every man woman and child.

The artist assumes that men will be looking at the 2nd picture because it includes a beautiful women to attract male viewers.

The artists assumes that wealthy American who will be willing to help the army will be looking at the third picture because the artists hopes that they will go buy liberty bonds.

7. I am kind of comfortable with the idea of tax dollars being spent on propaganda because of troops are needed for a war and the best way to convince people to help is through the media I believe it can be a good thing.

8. I think the federal government invested in propaganda so that people would volunteer for thae army and not have to  get drafted.

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