Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Post 1

You are formally invited to the Braulio dinner party, this dinner will be a celebration of the killing of Osama Bin Laden this dinner will include many artifacts from the killing and dinner will be served at 9 o'clock.

When: May 28, 2017, 8pm-11pm

Where: 3782 zero dark lane

Attire: This is going to be a very formal dinner party so men wear tuxedoes and women wear a long dress.

Guest list: Jessica Chastain who played the part of CIA officer Maya. I would like to ask her about how she prepared to play this part

Jason Clark who played the part of Dan.

Chris Pratt actor involved in the movie who played the part of Justin.

Barrack Obama I would like to ask about the things that went into finding Bin Laden

Soldier that was in the raid of Bin Ladens house in Abbottabad

Kathryn Bigelow director

Joel Edgerton director

Leon Panetti CIA director at the time of the raid.

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