Monday, September 12, 2016

Quote practice

"These men are proud to be soldiers, proud to wear the uniform and also too proud to accept the racism they see all around them, as when a decision is made to pay black troops less than white."

The movie Glory is about a regiment composed of only African American people. This regiment must overcome adversity and convince Robert Gould Shaw to let them go to war. As film critic Roger Ebert said "These men are proud to be soldiers, proud to wear the uniform and also too proud to accept the racism they see all around them, as when a decision is made to pay black troops less than white." The troops of Regiment 54 are so proud to go out there and fight for their country even though they are surrounded by racism including the other regiments. They continue to fight even though they are not being treated the same as the other regiments and they are not receiving the respect they deserve. Ultimately they end up winning one battle before they're defeated at Wagner.

1 comment:

  1. I really agree with your statement about how proud the soldiers were to fight, and I think that you followed it up with good proof after the quote. Strong post
