Wednesday, February 8, 2017


1. Some of the weirdest predictions that I found were that the letters c, x and q will be removed from the alphabet because they will become unnecessary. Another was that rats and mice would be exterminated and that the only animals remaining would be in zoos. Another prediction is that spouses would be able to control one anothers thoughts through a pill so that they couldnt think for themselves. Another prediction is that the way that children would learn was by going to school and sitting while a wire connects to their head teaching them everything they need to know. A prediction that almost everyone has heard of is the flying car which was also being predicted.

2. Most of the predictions for the future were a wish list like flying cars and not having to study in school because people would hope that the time coming would be better than they it is now.

3. Some of the predictions that have come true are self driving cars, video chatting, fake meat, and smart phones. Some predictions that are very out if reach are frog people living in the ocean, whales being tames to be forms of transportation in the ocean, and fire fighters will wear batwings as transportation through the sky.

4. A trend that I see is that almost all the predictions are for convenience to make people lives easier like self-driving car so that they wouldnt have to bother steering and focusing on the road.

5. I predict that there will be flying cars. I also think that when you watch a movie you will also be able to smell what is happening and not just see it. Also you will not have to go to the supermarket to get groceries they would be delivered.

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