Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Agassi and Steffi Graff information:

Agassi prep:

Athletes for hope:

Doral academy west:

Children for tomorrow:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Book cover

My book cover us about how Iron production was a factor contributing to American growth.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


1. Opportunity
2. Hard-work
3. Skill
4. Luck

Opportunity is the most important key to success because without the opportunities to show your skill or to work hard there is no way to be successful.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Today I learned about child labor and about how children are used to make chocolate. Many people have a problem with child labor and companies are increasing their efforts to stay away from child labor by making new chocolates that do not come from child labor. Nike is also trying to make its environmental footprint smaller by using environmentally friendly materials.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Supply chain management

Supply chain management is the oversight of materials, information, and finances as they move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Smoke signals

      The film smoke signals is a film that portrays Indian life accurately. During the film the characters experienced struggles with circumstances and ideas that ha  to do specifically with being Native American. Some of these ways are the difficulties they faced on the bus, the difficulties they faced driving home, and they found power and meaning in Native American cultural traditions when Victor helps Thomas look more Native American. 
        First, they faced struggles for being Native American on the bus. When Thomas and Victor took the bus to Phoenix to go pick up Victors fathers stuff, they faced a difficulty because they were Native American. After they got off the bus for a few minutes, when they came back to white men had taken their seats even though they knew they were sitting there and there bags were there. If it was two white men sitting there the two men would not have taken their seats but because it was two native Americans and they basically don't consider them human they had no problem taking their seats and making them go to the back of the bus.

        Next, they also faced difficulties for being Native American while driving home. On their way back home Victor and Thomas faced another difficulty when they were framed for crashing into another car and injuring two women, but the truth was that the accident had already happened when they got there. The man who actually caused the accident was trying to blame Victor and Thomas for the crash even though all they did was swerve out of the way too avoid hitting the car. Thomas tried to help the women and the man who caused the crash was yelling at victor saying that it was his fault just because he was a Native American. Had Victor and Thomas been white their is no way the man would have tried to frame them for something they clearly didn't do. Even when the man became sober he still said that Victor and Thomas assaulted him after they caused the crash which was clearly untrue.

          Lastly, the characters found power and meaning in their Native American history and cultural traditions when Victor helps Thomas look more Native American. When Victor told Thomas to stop wearing suits and to take out his braids he was helping Thomas to look Native American and to be proud of being Native American. Thomas grandma was almost trying to make him dress and act like a white man instead of embracing that he is Native American which is what Victor was doing he was embracing being Native American. Like Victor said to Thomas "The pride of an Indian is in his hair."

         In conclusion,, there were times in the film when they were happy to be native american and where it brought problems Some of these ways are the struggles they faced on the bus, the difficulties they faced driving home, and they found power and meaning in Native American cultural traditions when Victor helps Thomas look more Native American. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Sioux chef

Sean Sherman also known as the Sioux chef who was a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe is on a mission to revive Native American cooking. He has been during research on Native American cooking and trying to show the world how Native Americans eat. Some examples of things he has made are simmered corn silk with purple bergamot blossoms to make tea, and braised rabbit with spruce tips. He has also revived chaga, which is a fungus that blooms on birch trees, in warm hazelnut milk, and he also burned juniper branches and corn cobs all the way down to a soft black ash. These are some of his Native American recipes.

Monday, October 31, 2016

West stories

My story is of a ghost seen on Frank street in Tucson, Arizona. They created a group of people to scare the ghost away but the ghost did not scare. When the ladies of the town were told of the ghost attacking their towns defenders they all fainted

Image result for Tucson arizona on mapImage result for Pictures of ghosts in the 1800s in ArizonaImage result for Pictures of ghosts in the 1800s in Arizona

Monday, October 10, 2016

Organ trafficking

  • Selling a living persons organs is legal in Iran with the consent of the person.
  • People who sell organs are often promised large amounts of money but are often left for dead and given nothing or less what they were promised.
  • Most commonly people who are illiterate, homeless, and migrant workers are tricked into selling their organs.
  • Wealthy people often pay large amounts of money to skip the line for an organ

I learned today about organ trade. It is a widespread problem where people illegally sell their organs through the black market. There are movements to stop organ trafficking because people are often tricked into it. There is one story of a man getting drugged and waking up in a bathtub full of ice with a not saying to call 911.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

In class essay

There is a lot that students can learn from historical movies. If students watch historically accurate movies such as 12 years a slave and Glory they can learn a lot about what it was like to live during that time. These movies show the circumstances and real events that took place.
In 12 years a slave we see Solomon Northup a free African American man get captured and sold into slavery. Scenarios like this actually happened in real life back then. The movie shows us how the capturing and selling of a slave may have happened, methods such as drugging free African American, capturing, and imprisoning them were used to acquire slaves if they get too close to the border. This movie also shows us how the slave owners treated their slaves such as Epps. Epps was a slave owner who became obsessed with a slave named Patsey and he would rape and abuse her. Epps was also known for being one of the most cruel slave masters and would wake the slaves up in the middle of the night just to make his slaves dance. All of these things are pictured in the movie and they also happened in real life but the movie helps us to see and better understand these things. Another real event which the movie pictures is how Epps wife was jealous of Patsey. As shown in the movie Epps wife actually was jealous of Patsy and would often abuse her according to "Nothing delighted the mistress more then seeing Patsy suffer."  So all these things from the movie really did happen and seeing it helps understand it better.
Glory shows us how the first black regiment came together and how they performed in war. In Glory we see the first ever Regiment in the army composed of African American men. We see Robert Gould Shaw train these men and prepare them for war. When we analyze the movie we see that this regiment was clearly if not only created for labor. When Robert Gould Shaw can finally get his Regiment into war we see them perform extremely well and actually win their first battle. At their second battle at Fort Wagner the Regiment is sadly defeated and the whole Regiment including Shaw is killed. The most interesting part of this is that I know all of this information from watching the movie, and all of these events actually took place even the most powerful scene where Shaw refuses payment unless it was equal to those of the Regiment actually took place and inspired the Regiment to train harder.
Solomon Northup was born a free man and grew up a free man and had a wife and children. And in one day it was all gone he was a slave he didn't know if he would ever be rescued or if he would ever see his wife and children again. His circumstances were ones that I don’t think anyone would wanna be under. What if one day you woke up underfed, without any rights, and all you did was pick cotton for hours in the incredible heat and get whipped if you didn't pick enough. We can see racism in the movie when Solomon aka Platt picks 180 pound of cotton in a week then the new white servant only picks 60 pounds of cotton. Instead of whipping both of them, he only whips Solomon and just kindly tells the white man that he has to get faster and leaves him alone with no consequences. This is a scene where racism is shown the way that it really happened back in this time. The film does a great job of giving us an insight and being able to see with our own eyes what it was like for slaves back then. Studying books only doesn't give us the insight that watching movies does.
1. Shows succes of 12 years a slave

2,3. Helps divide what really happened and what was just added to make the movie more interesting.


            Regiments first battle

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This is what I learned today

1. Only use a direct quote when it adds power and stye to my writing.
2. Always make it clear, from context, that i understand the full meaning of the quote.
3. Whether I quote or paraphrase, I must always be transparent about the source and how I'm using it.
4. If I use another authors exact words or phrases, to any extent, I have to use quotation marks and give credit.
5. If

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Reflection on Paraphrase practice

In these past few days we have been working on paraphrasing and on writing with quotes. I now have a deeper understanding on how to effectively paraphrase and use your own words to explain someone else's writing. This has helped me understand paraphrasing better and I now never have to worry about accidently plagiarizing someone else's work when I am paraphrasing.

1. Only use a direct quote when it adds power and stye to my writing.

2. Always make it clear, from context, that i understand the full meaning of the quote.
3. Whether I quote or paraphrase, I must always be transparent about the source and how I'm using it.
4. If I use another authors exact words or phrases, to any extent, I have to use quotation marks and give credit.
5. If I use another author's presentation of fact or idea, but put their ideas in my own words, (paraphrase) I better have a good reason for doing so, and I MUST give credit.
6. Hyperlinking is so easy, there is no excuse for not being transparent about my sources.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Quote practice

"These men are proud to be soldiers, proud to wear the uniform and also too proud to accept the racism they see all around them, as when a decision is made to pay black troops less than white."

The movie Glory is about a regiment composed of only African American people. This regiment must overcome adversity and convince Robert Gould Shaw to let them go to war. As film critic Roger Ebert said "These men are proud to be soldiers, proud to wear the uniform and also too proud to accept the racism they see all around them, as when a decision is made to pay black troops less than white." The troops of Regiment 54 are so proud to go out there and fight for their country even though they are surrounded by racism including the other regiments. They continue to fight even though they are not being treated the same as the other regiments and they are not receiving the respect they deserve. Ultimately they end up winning one battle before they're defeated at Wagner.

"Paraphrase Practice"

It is up to the troops themselves to convince him they can fight - and along the way they also gently provide him with some insights into race and into human nature, a century before the flowering of the civil rights movement. Among the men who turn into the natural leaders of the 54th are Trip (Denzel Washington), an escaped slave, and John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman), first seen in the film as a gravedigger who encounters the wounded Shaw on the field of battle. (Roger Ebert)

Shaw was put in charge of a black regiment, the 54th regiment must try and convince Shaw that they can fight. On the journey to convince him we take a closer look into race and human nature. Some of these men from the regiment turn into natural leaders, such as Trip (Denzel Washington), and an escaped slave named John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) who first encountered an injured Shaw when he was doing his job as a grave digger.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Film Review

This is the film review I will be working with.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Reflection on what we have learned

We have earned that slaves were a very large part of the cotton industry. Slaves were bought and forced to work long hours in the heat picking cotton with very little food. Booker T. Washington a former slave explained the amount of food that they were given saying that if he didn't get enough breakfast he would have to go get the leftovers from the cows and the pigs. Slaves were also fed things like opossums, raccoons and snapping turtles. Up until the invention of machines to help with picking cotton slaves had to pick all the cotton by hand which was a very slow and painful task. On average one slave could pick one pound of cotton per day but the spinning jenny doubled productivity. Things like special whips were invented to make make slaves work faster and increase the speed at which the slaves picked cottons.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Sympathy is feeling compassion and feeling sorry for someone else while empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes. When you show sympathy for someone you feel sorry for them and show compassion. When you show empathy you understand them and feel their feelings for your self.

Timeline of US History

In 1607 the 1st permanent English settlement in the Americas which was started by entrepreneurs of the Virginia Company of London. Then in 1619  the first slave ship ever documented arrived in the North American colonies. Shortly after that, in 1620 the first pilgrims arrived in New England and created the Mayflower compact. A little while after the Pilgrims arrival in between 1626-1732 the 13 original colonies were established they were Connecticut, Rhode island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. 22 years after that beginning in 1754 and ending in 1763 the french and Indian war broke out creating huge debt for British tax payers. Then in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. In 1781 the Articles of Confederation the 1st actual government of the United States is formed. Then the "Three-Fifths compromise" which where slaves are three-fifths of a person. In 1791 the Bill of Rights which are the first 10 amendments was written, 17 years afterwards the importation of slaves is banned which prohibits slaves from being imported. In 1854 a party that was against slavery was founded it was called the Republican party. In 1860, the Civil war began. The US grew as a nation both literally and figuratively it grew figuratively when slavery was abolished. It also grew literally in the Northwest ordinance, the Louisiana purchase, and during the Missouri compromise all three of these events involved acquiring land.